Ideology-Free Relationships
We're living the Renaissance all over again: extreme inequality and censorship interfering with sense of self (intrapersonal) and sense of belonging (inter-relational). The Reformation of the social, economic, and political control of Europe manifesting corruption and its requisite violence erupt once again, its roots planted in Judaism and cultivated over thousands of years.

Christianity today is based on interpretations of events that are at least 6,000 years old. The interpretations are steeped in culture and language that's even older. As a result, Christianity remains primitive and polluted with ideology that epigenetically perpetuates to this day.
Christianity models Judaism's Phariseean oppression, crucifying Jesus each Sunday and every Bible study, and remains mystified by Jesus doing his best to return his people to what made them extremely successful: take care of each other no matter what, who, where, whatever.
The greatest technology regime in history oppresses the most successful country in history by mass-poisoning its citizens with help of social structures that were explicitly designed to prevent the oppression that corruption always causes. And like Jesus before him, people are mystified by the people-first principles of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
If you identify as a Christian and are able to read the Bible objectively – free from ideological inputs which abound – it becomes clear that each of us are born with an incredible power that is activated by believing it can be activated by believing it can be activated. This state is called ‘the kingdom of God’ and is free and open to anyone who chooses to believe that it is free and open to anyone.
Miracles are not reserved for Jesus, they're open to anyone who believes. The most amazing display of trust (faith) that Jesus witnessed was that of a Roman Centurion who had fallen in love with his male servant who for unknown reasons was dying. Having heard about the nearby paralytic of Capernaum being healed of his ideologically-induced paralysis, the Centurion personally seeks out Jesus to ask him to heal his servant.
Jesus says “Sure!” and the Centurion realizes it's bad optics for him to be seen with a Jew in his quarters instead of on a cross. So he pivots. “I have men under my command. I tell them do this, do that, and they do it. So just say the word and my servant will be healed.”
Jesus turns to those who were following him and said, “Whoa! I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!” The very same can be said of Christianity today because it is epigenetically true to its roots of the Reformation; God and religion are mutually exclusive to each other.
Jesus said to the Centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour.
Just say the word. Throughout the Bible people say words that alter the trajectory of their lives and that of their community. However large or small, speaking truth and facts from the heart is the single most powerful act one can do. Hence, oppressors always seek to silence truth tellers, especially those who expose corruption.
Corruption and miracles spring from the same source: beliefs. Whatever you believe, you become. Whatever you believe is true, becomes true. If you believe you can't change, you won't change.
One can't serve both the true power of love and the false power of money. Money has hypocrisy baked in. The world's oldest business model comes directly from Genesis 3:1-5: perform this action in order to achieve/receive what you already are/have. Jesus spoke of this, saying 'let it be done on Earth as it is in heaven.' 'Is' means just that, it already exists in the invisible (quantum) realms.
Believing that you have to do something in order to have legitimacy or merit is extremely undemocratic and a feature of any type of organization that seeks control of many for the profit of few; the 3 Abrahamic religions have perfected oppression and called it good. Intrapersonally, it follows the obedience model that we all know so well: do what we tell you, not as we do because we are the authority. Obedience always results in social, economic, and politic inequality. Because it's fear-based, it's lethally profitable.
This model of corruption erupted once again in Europe, catalyzed by the Gutenberg Press, spread to England, and epigenetically followed the first settlers to America.
Corruption today inverts the Gutenberg Press by creating custom lens from which we view and interpret life through. We assume our silos are the very similar to other people's silos because of dual nature of religion's oppression model where everything is good or evil. This duality is Democrat or Republican, Catholic or Protestant, Sunni or Shia, left or right. We're blind to the fact that the technology oppressors also created the mirror that reflects the lens they created.
The resulting cognitive dissonance creates violence and more fear-based misery just as it did in Europe. We're feudal subjects once again. This time, do what makes every society successful: take care of each other regardless of any other consideration.
What causes people to not take care of each other? Why do people ignore the greatest command when 11 of the world's religious texts mention it as the prime regulator of life? What is life if there's not another human being around?
Religious ideology (theology) plays an out-sized role in understanding one's place in the world and relationships with others. It's driven by a subdivision of philosophy that deals with incorporeal (invisible) "reality" about God based on the physical world.
Our 5 senses do a great job of convincing us that the material world is all we need to concern ourselves with. God as an entity or topic simply offers no rational basis beyond belief. Fortunately we now have a rational statement of how beliefs work which I've used to deconstruct religious ideology's vise-like grip on modalities.
There's no need to understand the nuances of how beliefs work unless you're struggling to understand why ancient ideology keeps producing the same results, different century. Otherwise, be kind to people, especially stranger, for that's the key to enriching yourself and your community.

Original art by Peter Bockenthien