Ego is Epigenetic
To be the best version of yourself, enable and empower others to be the best version of their selves.

Overcoming epigenetics is the best version of your Self. Being sober doesn’t address epigenetics. Alcoholics Anonymous can bring you to the starting point. Believing in God or converting to Christianity or religion merely substitutes previous epigenetic modalities with a different one that addresses the symptoms of epigenetics.
Higher self is all about how to interact with others the way you would want them to interact with you.
Higher self does the little things that make others feel good about themselves, which in turn makes them feel good about you.
Higher self embodies epistemic humility, that knowledge is limited and imagination is more important.
That’s what Albert Einstein concluded about quantum physics, aka heaven, the invisible realm that makes up 99.65% of the Universe. Spirituality, in a word if you will.
Religion cannot make one spiritual, nor can adhering to its epigenetic expressions change anything for the better.
There’s one thing that can address the causes of epigenetic suffering. It’s always available, and always works. It’s the only known thing that one must give in order to have or receive it. Everyone is capable at any moment they choose to be. To love, to apply love to any situation is to create more opportunities for love to expand its presence in the life of the giver and recipients.
To be the best version of yourself, enable and empower others to be the best version of their selves.

To be the best version of yourself, enable and empower others to be the best version of their selves.