A Second Opinion
The reason we collectively don't believe that we were created with this divine power is because (1) we are infected with the dull haze of a virus of thousands-years-old language, culture, and social that is institutionalized the infection, and (2) we are infected by families who believe their sickness is from God, so nothing we can do about it but accept Jesus to save us from the sickness and receive eternal life after we die!?

A Second Opinion
There's a reason that quantum physics is weird and doesn't function like large scale physics and that's because quantum physics functions in the intrapersonal/divine realm.
Read the Bible by replacing ‘God’ and ‘Lord’ with ‘I AM’. There's a reason that quantum physics is weird and doesn't function like large scale physics and that's because quantum physics functions in the intrapersonal/divine realm. The Bible describes how one's beliefs function to create reality by the words we speak. “Let there be light” is a statement of creating the Universe.
The Inquisition dealt with the acceptance of observable reality that the Earth orbits the sun. It took the Catholic Church 472 years to include that into official church Canon. Administrators, amiright?
But we see only .35% of the visible light spectrum, the rest of the Universe is 99.65% invisible. What the Bible/Quantum Physics is all about is “Let it be physically manifested on Earth as it already exists as a probability in the invisible realms called ‘heaven’. The way we create reality is with our speech, and first we have to believe that that‘s possible or we will never say the Quantum Magic Words, “Let there be...”
The reason we collectively don't believe that we were created with this divine power is because (1) we are infected with the dull haze of a virus of thousands-years-old language, culture, and social that is institutionalized the infection, and (2) we are infected by families who believe their sickness is from God, so nothing we can do about it but accept Jesus to save us from the sickness and receive eternal life after we die!? In other words save yourself via the same route of the original infection.
Christianity spreads an infection of the soul leading to misery, and the chief evidence of why I say that is the blatant hypocrisy of the Infectors: they insist that you believe them! They themselves do not walk the talk because they don't have to, because they believe they are saved from the infection.
Read what Jesus says in the New Testament. Look at the miracles. He says we are to do greater works that he did! But Infectors don't actually believe this, so miracles are never done for them. Hypocrites! This is why when you know how beliefs work you will understand the power that every human is born with: beliefs.
Science show unequivocally that we each exist in visible and invisible quantum states, and all things are possible for him who believes.
Believing this to be so is the mechanism that activates quantum probabilities from the invisible into the visible. This is all right there in the Bible. Jesus was railing against the Infectors who kept their fellow human beings in the dark about their true power for the sole purpose of enriching themselves.