Treating Others Determines Your Destiny - And Theirs
When you believe the wrong things about yourself, you believe the wrong things about everything else, and you act in strict accordance to that misbelief.
Everything in this life resolves to how you treat people, and the way you respond to the way that people treat you.
Treating people badly is the root of all evil.
The way that family treats you based on the institutions that support the illusions of good that justify traditions/epigenetics is the heart of all beliefs.
Those institutions are focused solely around the role of religion.
Regardless of religion and beliefs, per se, you will know, you can accurately determine people's true nature by how they treat you and others.
When you believe the wrong things about yourself, you believe the wrong things about everything else, and you act in strict accordance to that misbelief.
This has been ruthlessly exploited and institutionalized in religion and its attendant sibling known as the law. The spirit of the law is love, joy and peace, against which there are no restrictions of any kind. In order to have love you must first give it away because only then is love activated. Only then can love go about creating its magic antidote by uniting people.
If you don't believe this, then that disbelief perpetuates fear which is institutionalized and marketed as being good for you so as long as you perform the unnecessary actions it requires of you.
All of the above is supported by the axiom of how beliefs work.
Spirituality is the process by which each of us overcomes the expression of institutionalized fear.