
Newtonian Beliefs vs. Quantum Beliefs

Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
~ Albert Einstein

Orion Nebula, composite image from James Webb Telescope.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

"One should work at least as hard in the invisible world as they do in the visible world."
~ Rumi

Einstein was describing something that had puzzled scientists for decades: why did people get different results when they followed experiment instructions to the letter? The answer: quantum physics.

After years of studying human biology, Dr. Bruce Lipton made a startling discovery: why do people with the same DNA act so differently from each other? The answer: beliefs, known by its scientific name, epigenetics.

After years of researching how beliefs work, I was able to create a rational statement that bypasses the only thing that beliefs do: self-reinforcing self-replication.

Beliefs agnostically self-reinforce instantaneously, creating feelings, thoughts, and actions in that order, which themselves create more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions.

This is the world's only known rational statement of how beliefs work, which just so happens to describe epigenetics and quantum physics. And thus it organically unifies all the world's religion and modalities.

Not because I say so, but because of 7 years of figuring out how beliefs work without being ensnared by the millions of self-replicating self-reinforcements we each create, and then another 7 years of exploring the ramifications of it.

“Whatever you believe, you become” is a quantum principle. A whole host of quantum physics can be found throughout all religious texts. Any text mentioning God is describing quantum physics in the cultural contexts they were used.

“You cannot serve both God and Mammon” describes the choice each person must make. Will you actively participate in the false power of money and its built-in value system that prioritizes money where only a few, predictable outcomes lead to vastly inequal outcomes?

Or will you choose to put your trust in the invisible, creative realms powered by the innate creativity and intellectual capital of people where all things are possible?

Miracles match the frequency that people want but couldn't because the corrupt religious leaders were stuck on the Newtonian physics of physical matter being all that matters. They were stuck on what they saw. If they saw something they didn't like, they punished. They were addressing the symptoms, not the causes.

Epigenetics: the overwhelming presence of the past.

The first coming of Jesus was necessarily Newtonian, maturing into full-on quantum physics as he repeatedly demonstrated the quantum power we call love and its fraternal twin forgiveness. At any given moment, even the most evil person can choose love and forgive themselves.

Love is a quantum principle that helps people match the frequency of the reality they want. The return of Jesus is quantum in nature. And like his first appearance, people will not recognize it as such as they are steeped in epigenetic Newtonian modalities.

For those who are wedded to corruptible Newtonian modalities, a person choosing quantum principles is hard to swallow because it seems that no justice has been done. However, true justice never depends on the actions of others. It can be had simply by choosing to no longer allow the actions of others determine how you feel, think, and act. Watch your health improve when you no longer allow yourself to be triggered by anyone in any circumstances. Never give up your power.

As you navigate the Earth, treat all children and women with the utmost respect, care, compassion, and kindness. How you treat them determines the destiny of entire countries and eventually the whole Earth.

Faith is rejecting Newtonian theology, embracing quantum Christ.

Love is a quantum principle that helps people match the frequency of the reality they want.

Orion Nebula, composite image from James Webb Telescope.

Orion Nebula, composite image from James Webb Telescope.
