Forgiveness is a moment by moment practice of letting go of things that block you from being the best version of yourself.
Forgiveness is a moment by moment practice of letting go of things that block you from being the best version of yourself.
Forgiveness is necessary to ensure that generational trauma is no longer active in yourself, and remains inactive in your grandchildren. It’s a moment by moment practice of letting go of, or shedding of things that keep you oppressed, hold you back, or block you from being the best version of yourself.
I’m speaking of that quantum space where you hide your true self, afraid or just withholding for whatever reason the things that you allowed to take root.
Forgiveness is a daily practice of letting go of whatever outrage is happening. Forgiveness is the key to health. Categorizing health as mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical is unhealthy, one doesn’t exist without the other. Your health is totally up to you. You can heal from anything without a medical professional just by believing you can (Chapter 5, The Biology of Belief, written by a medical school teacher). Not by prayer, not by belief in God, Jesus, or Willy Wonka, just by believing.
This is why you should never, ever believe anything anybody tells you, don’t even believe me, just figure out what’s going to work for you. If it works, great, if it doesn’t, then move on.
Forgiveness is open heart surgery to heal the things that have caused you problems. It’s not your fault, it’s your grandparents fault (Lipton, The Biology of Belief), but you no longer have to scapegoat them. Forgiveness takes the negative epigenetic energy and transforms it.
The Apostle Paul spoke of a thorn in his side that he wished was removed. Over a period of time he rationalized it as something God saw fit to to keep in place. Lots of people who believe in ancient ways of thinking perpetuate ancient ways of thinking in hopes of new ways of thinking because, what, because it’s in the Bible? Each human is a quantum physicist co-creating their own reality. The prime example is Jesus rejecting the religious authority who used their authority to oppress people.
Christianity is built on the oppression-scapegoat model that seeks social, economic, and political control; all religions do. Epigenetics explains how fear-based modalities persist and perpetuate over thousands of years. Overcoming one’s epigenetics just so happens to align with Jesus’s explanation of how miracles happen: believe. And that just so happens to be quantum physics: all things are possible right up to the moment a person decides what is true.
Hence, my oft-stated refrain that whatever you believe, you become.
Epigenetics explains how you became a version of your grandparents. My rational statement is the only known statement that describes epigenetics: Beliefs agnostically self-reinforce instantaneously, creating feelings, thoughts, and actions in that order, which themselves create more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions.
Although the discovery is almost 30 years old, epigenetics is a radical departure from the chaos are hundreds of different academic modalities that compartmentalize human behavior. Epigenetics unifies all modalities into the one thing: beliefs.
If that’s confusing, beliefs are epigenetic, epigenetics describes beliefs, and beliefs are constantly, eternally expressed as behavior. All religions and modalities seek to explain human behavior yet are limited because they don’t address the cause of human behavior: beliefs. As such, they view humans as if they were independent of each other. Parents know this isn’t true. As you grow up, your relationship with others grows into different expressions.
I’ve extended Dr. Lipton’s work—The Biology of Belief—to create four stages of belief development and the hundreds of thousands of self-reinforcements they create.
Behavior and beliefs are interchangeable terms. All behavior is is rooted in beliefs, which are rooted in biology determined by the way you were treated. This is epigenetics in a nutshell.
The 4 Stages of Belief Development
As adults, the relationship with others begins with the relationships with yourself. The relationship with yourself is determined by the way you were treated the first 7 years of your life.
The Physical stage of belief development, from birth to age 7, is when epigenetic beliefs are 90% developed (Lipton). How a child is treated the first 7 years of its life determines its biological health throughout the rest of their life, and coterminously how they will treat others.
Subconscious states have a singularly profound impact on one’s development that cannot be overstated. This stage is purely physical, a child feels it with their entire body and expresses it via various emotional states. This is the beginning of behavior that will continuously self-reinforce.
Subconscious beliefs are firmly rooted in the body-mind. “The Body Keeps The Score” (Dr. Bessel van der Kolk) articulates how trauma modifies gene expression. If you suffer from PTSD or Complex PTSD (me), you’ll learn how trauma has affected your beliefs and thus your overall lack of health.
There’s no such thing as ‘mental health’, body and mind are artificial delineations that have zero value, there’s health, period. We humans constantly expresses our beliefs 24/7. In fact, there’s never been a moment in all of human history where beliefs were not expressed, even after one has entered into the quantum state known as death (Lipton, The Biology of Belief).
The Emotional stage, age 7-14, is when a person learns juvenile identification of their epigenetic responses and triggers. Thought patterns self-reinforce in new ways tied directly to new ways of articulating emotions.
The Intellectual stage, age 14-21, is where one begins to concretely articulate their emotions, associated thought patterns, and actions. From here on out the interconnected self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, actions and their reinforcements grow stronger and more tightly connected intrapersonally and inter-relationally. Beliefs are intrapersonal, inter-relating with all other external beliefs. Anything outside of you is external, especially family, but it actually is a chronic invasion of your privacy and self of self and self-worth.
Maturation is the final stage. It happens primarily in a person’s 20s–40s or whenever a person leaves their family for an extended period of time. This stage is when all of the reinforcements and values challenge the young adult as they navigate the world, career paths, and meet others with similar beliefs and start families of their own.
During the Maturation stage, one’s epigenetic beliefs align and/or conflict with contemporary external modalities, creating sophisticated ‘beliefs about beliefs’, which becomes one’s intrapersonal belief modality. You think, therefore you are because beliefs self-reinforce regardless.
Regardless of age, one’s emotional states are the single most important indicator of one’s beliefs, and thus health. We feel every single moment because we are believing every single moment. Every thought is tied to subconscious feelings, every feeling produces thoughts and actions which in turn creates more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions in perpetuity, directly determining one’s physical and spiritual health.
Epigenetics is an excellent predictor of how a person responds to adversity. Each person adds in a little more ‘flavor’ from their experience, but the basic blueprint doesn’t change (Lipton).
Whatever you feel and think right now as you read this are your beliefs’ reinforcements that everything is perceived through. The various reinforcing modalities unique to you either liberates you or enslaves you to all of your beliefs’ self-reinforcing modalities.
God, Religion, Spirituality
God and religion are mutually exclusive to each other just as religion and spirituality are. All three are proxies for epigenetics, but only God is a proxy for quantum physics. Whatever you believe about either, you become. Beliefs agnostically self-reinforce instantaneously, creating feelings, thoughts, and actions in that order, which themselves create more self-reinforcing feelings, thoughts, and actions. This rational statement describes epigenetics and why you become whatever you believe.
All epigenetics/beliefs biologically manifest in your body, which in turn alters your perception of self and others. All ideas initially are invisible (quantum state) and are brought forth physically.
Your idea of God is epigenetic in nature. Religion is the world’s oldest form of social, economic, and political epigenetics. Spirituality seeks to regulate intrapersonal and inter-relational epigenetics; they’re always in conflict and seeking resolution.
Forgiveness is the art of resolving that conflict by merely believing that one can. It’s initially a second-by-second practice of swiping left on the billions of self-reinforcements that convince you that you think everything you believe is true, and believe that everything you think is true.
Whenever you look towards an authority, be it religious or legal, you're putting your faith in that institution, not in your super power of belief. Justice comes from within, and its power derives from a willingness to no longer pour energy into religious or secular systems on their infinite rinse and repeat (epigenetic) cycles.
This applies to all humans because we all have the power within us to rise above by refusing to pour energy/resources into escalating and self-reinforcing victimhood.
Forgiveness is the only way out. Forgiveness is the only path towards justice that breaks being stuck in the epigenetic cycle of re-litigating and retaliating old wrongs. Forgiveness is the best way to be the best version of yourself.
Forgiveness causes life to bloom anywhere.